Thursday, December 1, 2011

100 Years Old

Hitting 100 years old
A story not often told
This couple surely struck gold
Both parents have this unfold

How do you reach that old age
Still are able to engage
Maybe not a wisened sage
But do more than turn a page

Think what they've seen in those years
The decades of joys and tears
A world of change appears
Viewing it with fears and cheers

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stands Tall

Chris Herren was a star of basketball
From Fall River to a much bigger fall
At Draft Pick 33, he got the call
Nuggets watched him, so the problem would stall
But the addiction took him for a long haul
Viewed with disgust, they thought he had gall
Four ODs, amazed he survived at all
Now 3 years sober, he finally stands tall

Inspired by ESPN film Unguarded seen yesterday.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Pet?

Just not ready yet,
Still filled with regret.
In debt to the vet,
Easily upset!
The timing's not set,
When I'm up to get -
Another new pet.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Career Questions

What will be my career?
The unknown carries fear.
What am I doing here?
Need direction to steer.
When will this become clear?
I hope the answer's near!
How do I get in gear?
The teachers will appear!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Green Bag Lady

Green Bag Lady helps to save the Earth,
Teaching others to value its worth.
Someday maybe we're rid of plastic bags.
Reaching many - her fabric ones with tags.

People baffled she gives bags away.
Believing that's what makes their minds sway.
Labor, fabric donated to her,
Sharing this gift is what she'd prefer!

Go to for more information!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Clarence Clemons

Sad to be a fan
Losing the Big Man
Many he impacts
With playing the sax
But no longer seen
Beside Bruce Springsteen

Friday, June 10, 2011


I'm waking up in Little Rock
It's way too early says the clock
Bright and sunny out the window
Back under the covers I go
More music to hear at Riverfest
The crowds and heat may be a test
We'll get away for some baseball
Then tomorrow start our long haul

It's not meant to rattle and hum
I'm not dumb, maybe too proud
To complain it was loud
When we checked in
Making all that din
Trouble falling asleep
So I couldn't keep it turned on
So it wasn't long until it got hot
Because it was not working right.
Not a restful night at the casino hotel
Just as well we don't stay longer
My luck could get stronger
But for now I'm just $5.00 ahead
And wide awake in the bed.

A few excerpts from recent travel

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Rapture

May 19
What can I capture
Before the onset of the Rapture?
Can I gain any stature?
Or what might I fracture?

May 20
Will the world end tomorrow?
Should I be filled with sorrow?
How much time can I borrow?
Do I need to give in and wallow?
Feeling empty and hallow?
Too much uncertainty to swallow!

May 21
Had trouble falling asleep
How much of my life can I keep?
Uncertainties begin to heap
As the hour's close, will I weep?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I was given birth
Brought onto this earth
By a wonderful mom

Taught me wrong from right
Didn't get uptight
As a wonderful mom

Helped me learn and grow
Able to let go
As a wonderful mom

Good to stay in touch
Loving her so much
As a wonderful mom

Inspired this morning to write and share

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Snow Angel

I plunked down in the snow,
Then I let my arms flow.
When I got up to go,
A snow angel to show.

Written and enacted in January 2011.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I give my speech for the Grammy award,
I'm before my TV set.
They love my song more than anything else,
Didn't start to write it yet.
But I can make this dream come to pass
With persistence, persistence out the ass.

Have the goal in sight, be prepared for a fight.
It's true though it's crass, takes persistence out the ass.

My friend knows where the diploma will hang,
He's just started back to school.
With his great mind he'll be tops in his field,
Once he proves he's not a fool.
But he can be the best in his class
With persistence, persistence out the ass.

Have the goal in sight, be prepared for a fight.
It's true though it's crass, takes persistence out the ass

Written in 1992, posting on the eve of the Grammy Awards. Inspired by my friend David who used the expression and since got his diploma. He's still waiting for my to get the Grammy.............

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gabrielle Giffords

She's asking for toast
That's something to boast
After a shot in the head
That could've left her dead

The progress is slow
The world wants to know
It seems easier to cope
When we're given signs of hope

Written Feb 9, 2011 after receiving the news.

Walter's Variety

Two sisters travel a mile down the road.
On foot it's a hike, much faster by bike.
What motivates them to leave their abode?

They're off to Walter's Variety store.
It's gooey and sweet, or an icecream treat.
Spent their allowance and wishing for more.

Years later wonder if Walter's still there.
For neighborhood kids, or hitting the skids,
And needing to close, life robbing them bare.

Monday, January 3, 2011


I don't want to be the boss!
I don't want to be in charge!
I can't handle this loss!
This hole is too large!

I don't want to be alone!
I don't want to feel this hole!
I can't be on my own!
I miss his kind soul!

At 33, that's too early to leave me!

Written for Niko who lost Eric to cancer 12/26.