Saturday, February 27, 2010


Walking round and round
Unsure what will be found
Taking in each sound
Feeling the ground
Slowly get unwound

Circling round and round
Not sure where I’m bound
What might astound
Take in color, profound
Deep breath, heart pound
Going round and round

Trip in the dip, then skip
Loosening my grip
Relax and unzip, let it drip
Stop for a sip
Swivel the hip
Troubles a blip
Leave a tip - or a ribbon
To be found for the next trip
Walking round and round

Written at Soul Spring Retreat 10/18/2008

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hilton Park

The sun beats down
From a bright blue sky
Water laps gently
Beside it I lie

Body stretched out
Pressed against a rock
Tune out the noises
Don't want to hear talk

A breeze passes over
An ant crawls by
The boats make waves
And birds soar high

Dip the feet in water
Splash some on the face
Wallowing in nature
At this quiet place

Then voices start to shout
And the trucks roar past
Not secluded enough
For the peace to last

From June 1987 while in southern New Hampshire

Friday, February 12, 2010

Love Gone Wrong

Why do his wives end up dead?
How so unhappily wed?
Why not divorce them instead?
Is the next one filled with dread?

A brief reflection on the upcoming Illinois trial, and remembering tragic cases in Nashville, California, and this one from Boston in the late 1980's:

A tragic tale of blues for a young couple
Heading home one Boston night
A pregnant wife with gunshots to her head
The husband called for rescue as he bled
Their baby born, but shortly he was dead
They were victims of a crime
It was not a pretty sight.

There was no time to lose to find the killer
Pushed police to set things right
A media hype then followed on their track
The murdering theif was pointed out as black
Those neighborhoods were under an attack
Still more victims of the crime
It was not a pretty sight

A twist to the plot left everyone stunned in shock

The husband was accused by his own brother
Found a bridge and jumped the height
A loving wife was murdered by her spouse
While we believed them happy in that house
Not guessing him to be a greedy louse
We've been victims of this crime
It was not a pretty sight

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ready to Take the Plunge

Ready to take the plunge
A fearless forward lunge
A bungee jump, over the hump
To move beyond the grunge
Of sickness to expunge
Not a lump, a willing sponge
Ready to take the plunge!

Written this morning for a friend...and myself?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Learning How to Share

Your younger sibling always wanted your toys
You held tight and screeched "Not Fair"
'Til an angry parent took care of the noise
Then, you're learning how to share

Your faithful roommate paid all the rent
You worked so hard, had none to spare
'Til they saw the charge card and learned what you spent
Next, you're learning how to share

Your marriage counselor couldn't get you to talk
To open up made you feel bare
But your fed-up partner is ready to walk
Now, you're learning how to share

The learning never ends when the teachers are family and friends!