Saturday, November 7, 2015

More About Fear

If I could change one aspect of me what would it be? Something you easily see, or something I've tried to hide, like my pride. Is it my fear I want to disappear, so I can get in gear not hiding in the rear? Afraid to speak up - What's up? What's holding me back? Afraid of an attack? Too much to hack? Worried I'll lack in what I try? So why proceed?....and there I feed the fear. Fear to share aloud - will I sound proud, or will I face ridicule? Will somebody say something cruel that I'll want to hide under a rock? So I balk, not ready to take the walk on the plank. Not ready to take the plunge till I can expunge the fear, but it stays near to what I hold dear. So I take a deep breath, take a baby step forward then three steps back before I will try again to advance. Not daring to dance or prance, just a tiny chance - then a big gulp! Do I ask for help? How do I get out of here away from my fear?

Written at Friday Night Write at Art & Soul last night.
Thanks to Mattison & Kelly and all the brave writers who shared.

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